Good Things to Come: A Special Fundraiser for the Metcalf Family


Noel and I have been friends for years, since the very beginning of college. I can't even begin to express what a stellar, fabulous human being Noel is, nor can I explain the honor it has been and is to be her friend. We have been through college, heartbreaks, weddings, marriage, and now motherhood together.

But Noel's journey to motherhood has been filled with more heartbreak and than most. Her and her husband, Matt, tried for years to have children, including with infertility treatments. They had been told that likely even with IVF they would not have their own child. Miraculously, they didn't give up hope and when they moved to a new state they found a doctor willing to work with them, and they have have the most beautiful, precocious, and fun little boy. They have since had another failed IVF transfer and are working on the next round, hoping and praying to add precious children to their family.

In addition to the emotional and physical toll of fertility treatments, the financial strain is a very real one as well. For that reason, I am offering a collection of prints & greeting cards with 100% of proceeds going to the Metcalf’s fertility journey. These products are based on two beach scenes I painted for Noel earlier this year. I called them “Good things to come” and “More good things to come”, to point our minds forward with hope, trusting that there will be good and more good things to come, for Noel, Matt and their growing family, as well as for each one of us.

You can shop the Good Things to Come collection here, to help support this dear friend of mine.

Many thanks,

Shelby Thayne


Hope Rising: A Special Fundraiser for the Anderson family cancer journey


Mountains of Freedom -- A special painting for a special cause (Another GIVEAWAY)